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Tips To Improve The Battery Health in iPhones

Tips To Improve The Battery Health in iPhones

iPhones are the best for sure with amazing graphical quality, top-notch security protocols, and high-end camera quality. Even more, the functionality, performance, and processing are pretty efficient, so you can conduct different functions in no time. On the other hand, every iPhone user runs to a mobile phone repair shop because of battery issues. 
Well, if you are an iPhone user, you would know that battery issues are persistent with iPhones. However, there are always solutions to the issues, right? With this being said, we have designed this article to help you improve battery life. First of all, let’s talk about the common charging practices. So, you plug in the charger after getting home when the phone is about to give up.
Even more, you let the phone charge the entire night and only take it out at night. This habit can adversely impact battery life and overall health. This is the prime reason that you struggled with 70-80% battery health. So, if you want to optimize the battery health and want to make sure the battery lasts the entire day, we have added the tips for you!
Contacting People
We understand that phones are primarily used for connecting with people and being in touch with acquaintances. With this being said, whenever you are using social media, texting your friends, or calling anyone, make sure you take out the charger (you can use the charger with them but only when the phone will die if you take out the charger). 
Put On Charge 
For the times when you aren’t using the iPhone and there are chargers and power sources around, put them to use and put your phone on charge. It doesn’t matter if you have the wireless or wired charger around, just used them. With this being said, the battery electrons will wander having fun and you will have the charged phone once you are done with chores. 
Overnight Charging 
We are pretty sure that the majority of us leave their iPhone on overnight charging. In the same way, people often think about overcharging but it’s nothing to be worried about because iPhones are smart enough to restrict the battery charging. In addition, it will switch to the AC power as long as you don’t take out the charger. All in all, there is no harm in leaving the phone on the charger overnight. 
On Commute
So, you are going to meet your friends or acing the business meeting, well, you can energize your iPhone with battery charging as well. This is because you aren’t using the phone during commute and drive anyway, so why don’t you use the car charger that you’ve invested hundreds of bucks for. 
Battery Level 
Whenever you are using an iPhone, try to plug in the charger as soon as the battery level hits 60%. This is because when the battery level goes too down, the phone will set the benchmark to reach that battery level quickly, hence the faster draining. So, set reasonable benchmarks for your iPhone. Also, if there are occasional drops in battery levels, it’s completely alright! 
Tips To Improve The Battery Health in iPhones

Tips To Improve The Battery Health in iPhones
